What to do with Wheat Berries?!

wheat berries

At our retail shop, we sell wheat berries. Why? Because we love them!

Wheat berries take center stage in our Wheat Berry Waldorf salad. We cook wheat berries like you would pasta – in boiling salted water – for about 45-55 minutes. A hearty whole grain, once cooked, they remain a bit chewy.  Cook up a batch and keep them in your refrigerator for up to a week. Add them to plain yogurt with honey and berries for a breakfast parfait. Toss them with your favorite vinaigrette and chopped herbs for a delicious side salad. Make a hot breakfast cereal or this Feta and Wheat Berry Salad. We hope you like them too!



One Response to What to do with Wheat Berries?!

  1. Kim May 4, 2014 at 5:47 pm #

    Just made your Wheat Berry Waldorf salad – delicious!! Love the crunch of the apples and celery and the tang of the dressing. Nice combination of goodness!

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