Tag Archives | marathon

Boston Revisited

As if running the Boston Marathon is not thrilling enough, I got to meet Ryan and Sara Hall. Ryan placed fourth overall in the marathon on Monday by running a screaming 2:08:41, setting the record for an American on the Boston course. It’s inspiring to be surrounded by people committed to health, fitness, and personal goals. As a competitor and spectator at athletic events, I love cheering people on and being surrounded by their energy. As for me, I am happy to report that after eight marathons, I’ve learned how to run my race…

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Boston or Bust

This is a big week. I run the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 19th. With months of the physical training under my belt, I am going through the motions of mentally preparing for the race. This is my third marathon in six months. I’ve never attempted a race schedule like this before, so I am in new territory. I will be running the race with family and friends, which makes it extra special, so I need to just enjoy the experience. In past marathons, these are the things that have worked for me…

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