It really is a wonder that I grew up liking Brussels sprouts as much as I do given that my Mom always referred to them as “martian brains.” Perhaps that was her way of making them fun to eat, and yet, what girl in her right mind would want to eat martian brains? Me, I guess. I digress… […]
Tag Archives | healthy
Marathon Update + White Bean Chili + Maple Corn Bread
On November 1st, I joined over 39,000 runners to compete in the NYC Marathon. The crowd support was amazing, the volunteers were incredible, and the weather was perfect – 50 degrees with a cloud cover. As a runner, you can’t ask for better conditions. My nutrition plan worked well – oatmeal, a sports bar, Gu and Gatorade […]

Food that Fuels Me
On Sunday, I am running the NYC Marathon. This will be my 6th marathon, but it’s been a year and a half since my last one. Yes, there have been half a dozen half-marathons and several road races in the meantime. Yes, I have followed my training program since July, working long runs around summer weekend plans. Yes, I have […]

Boost Your Immunity + African Curried Coconut Soup
With cold and flu season upon us, we do what we can to keep the fevers and sniffles at bay. No doubt, diet helps. There are a lot of experts out there (I am not one of them) and they all tend to agree that protein, zinc, healthy fats, and Vitamins A, C, and E play a key role in building […]
African Curried Coconut Soup
Yield: 4 servings This dish comes together quickly, especially if you use leftover rice. To make it even more substantial, add a cooked, chopped chicken breast (or two) in Step 4. Adjust the peppers and spices to suit your own taste. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (I use coconut oil) 1 medium onion (about 6 ounces), chopped 1 […]
Spicy Orange Chicken Stir-Fry
We were in Philadelphia for the weekend running the ING Distance Run, a half marathon (13.1 miles) course in the historic downtown area and along the Schuylkill River. It was a gorgeous morning for running and I am pleased to report that a good race was had by all. Six weeks, and counting, until the NYC Marathon! Getting back into town after […]
What’s for Breakfast
I have a friend who is a busy mother of two, marathon training, and starting a new job just as the school year gets underway. In fact, I have many busy friends, and they are always looking for breakfast ideas that are quick, healthy, and at times, portable. Two options, both of which can be made […]
Life’s a Picnic
Lucky us. A friend was headed out of town for the weekend and just had to unload some tickets for a concert under the stars. We were more than happy to help him out with this little problem. Time for a picnic! When I think picnic, I think salads and side dishes. I had some thin green beans to […]